ACAP Testing

The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) is the state accountability test which will be administered at Clark-Shaw from March 22 through April 10. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will be assessed in math and language arts, and grades 6 and 8 will also be assessed in science. It is extremely important that all students are present and on time to school during these weeks. Testing will be conducted in the morning, so if medical appointments cannot be avoided, please schedule them for the afternoons if necessary. The schedule for testing is very detailed, and we would like to limit the number of make-ups for the good of our students, faculty, and staff.
Students will test on their school-issued Chromebooks with their regular teachers, who will inform them of the specific testing day. During the testing window, instruction and classroom learning will continue while certain students are testing each day, and once students finish testing for a subject, they will continue with their regular class schedules. All classes will meet each day according to a modified rotating schedule.
As always, please remind your student to bring their fully-charged Chromebook AND charger to school each day. Students may bring with them a water bottle and a book for after the test. Please ensure that they are well-rested and ready to do their best on the test!